Poás volcano field workshop—logistical details for participants

The AVERT team, and our collaborators from OVSICORI, are looking forward to you joining us for our 5-day field workshop at Poás volcano. This page provides an overview of information required for participants.

Dates: March 9–15, 2025

Overview of the Poás crater region, taken from a drone. The two crater lakes—Laguna Botos and the highly acidic Laguna Caliente—are visible. Credit: OVSICORI.

Overview of the Poás crater region, taken from a drone. The two crater lakes—Laguna Botos and the highly acidic Laguna Caliente—are visible. Credit: OVSICORI. / Vista general de la región de la cráter Poás, tomada desde un drone. Los dos lagos cráteres — Laguna Botos y el ácido Laguna Caliente — son visibles. Crédito: OVSICORI.


El Churrasco

Address: Poasito, frente a la Delegación de la Guardia de Asistencia Rural, 10 km antes del Volcán Poas, Alajuela, Poas, Costa Rica

Phone: +506 2482-2135

Mobile: +506 8861-0902

Hotel Altura

Address: Volcan Poas 3 Km Calle La Legua, Poas Volcano National Park 20802 Costa Rica

Phone: +506 6236 0000

Daily Schedule

The following schedule is conditional on access and/or weather conditions day to day.

Day Time Activity
Sunday, March 9 3–5 pm Introductions
Monday, March 10 8 am–3 pm Working inside the Poás national park
Tuesday, March 11 8 am–3 pm Working inside the Poás national park
Wednesday, March 12 All day Possible data day, followed by group updates—some groups working in park
Thursday, March 13 8 am–3 pm Working inside the Poás national park
Friday, March 14 8 am–3 pm Working inside the Poás national park
Saturday, March 15 Morning Return to Heredia

PPE and General Safety

PPE—a rock helmet and respirator—will be worn at all times while working inside the crater. A finite supply of PPE will be available—please bring what you can.

Access to the crater will be limited to only those for whom it is strictly required for the collection of scientific data, with all groups accompanied at all times by a workshop leader equipped with a field radio.

OVSICORI will provide daily updates of eruption conditions at Poás, and be in contact at all times to provide warning of any observed changes.