Au cœur du volcan : mesurer les bulles d’un lac qui n’existe plus ou quand une expédition scientifique déraille

Dr Corentin Caudron, who attended our February workshop at Poás volcano, writes for The Conversation (French).

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Poás volcano field workshop—Summary of the week

A roundup of the groups that participated in the field workshop and their research activities.

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Anticipating volcanic eruptions in real time: a work in which the National Seismological Network participates

An article about the Poás field workshop on the Universidad de Costa Rica website.

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Poás volcano field workshop—information for participants

An overview of the general and logistical information for the field workshop participants.

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Field workshop at Poás Volcano, Costa Rica—February 2024

The broader volcanological community is invited to participate in a community field workshop, February 17—24, 2024. Click for more information.

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High in a Cloud Forest, Tapping Into the Breathing of a Volcanic Beast

Kevin Krajick writes about our November visit to Poás volcano, Costa Rica.

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Fieldwork, 2022: Preparing for Volcanic Eruptions at Okmok Volcano, Alaska

Hear from co-PI Einat Lev about our work at Okmok in 2022.

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Fieldwork, 2021: A Journey into an Alaskan Volcano

Read Jasper Baur's account of his 2021 field season at Okmok volcano.

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